This stunning American Gothic-style church was erected between 1910-1914.
It has been designated a basilica by the Holy See because of its antiquity, dignity and historical significance. The Church received this elevation as a Minor Basilica in 1989. It was the 24th church in the United States to receive the designation. It is now one of 60 minor basilicas in the United States.
The basilica has a lot of stories to tell. A few, such as the “Boxcar to Basilica” story, can be heard on the Jamestown Talking Trail.

The basilica also features beautiful stained glass “Windows of Faith”. The first three panels in the window record the historic occasions for The Basilica of St. James. Beginning with Albert Monek, Sr. a pioneer church founder shown during the ground-breaking for the new church. Anton Klaus is shown handing over the deed to the property and the bishop and priest are depicted during the dedication of the church. The amazing stained glass windows were purchased with a gift from Pierce Blewett, a booster, developer, and past mayor of Jamestown.
Guided tours are available by appointment.
- Mon-Fri: 8:00 am to 11:30 am, 12:30 pm to 5:00 pm
Please call ahead to schedule a tour
622 1st Ave. S.
Jamestown, ND 98501